Python 3.8 is the latest stable version of the Python programming language. It comes with a lot of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. If you’re an Ubuntu user and want to make the most of Python 3.8, you need to install it on your system. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu using the command line interface. So, let’s get started and learn how to install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu.
Data science, web development, and machine learning are just a few of the many fields where Python is a flexible and potent programming language. The most recent stable release Python 3.8 has a number of new features and performance improvements that make it a popular option for developers. Installing Python 3.8 might seem like a difficult task if you use Ubuntu. However, the installation process will be simple and straightforward thanks to this step-by-step manual. This manual will assist you in quickly installing Python 3.8 on your Ubuntu operating system, regardless of your level of experience as a developer.
Pre-Installation Preparations
Let’s make sure that your system complies with all requirements for installing Python 3.8 on Ubuntu before we start the installation process.
The most recent Python version is listed below.
Checking the Python installed on your system right away is the first step. Enter the following command in your terminal after opening it:
python3 –version
On your system, this will display the most recent version of Python installed. You can proceed to the next step if Python 3.6 or later has been installed.
### Verify the Compatibility of the Ubuntu version
Next, confirm that Python 3.8 and your Ubuntu version are compatible. In your terminal, enter the following command:
lsb_release -a
This will display the version of Ubuntu you’re operating. Python 3.8 is compatible with both later versions of Ubuntu 18.04. Before installing Python 3.8 if you’re using an older version of Ubuntu, you’ll need to upgrade your operating system.
Check for Necessary Packages anddependencies ###
Make sure your system has all the necessary packages and dependencies before installing Python 3.8. Install the required packages using the following command in your terminal:
Update your apt-get with the following command
Install the build-essential zlib1g,dev libncurses5, dev libgdbm,dev Libnss3-dev libssl-dev Libsqlite 3-dev, wget curl llvm, and dev libbz2-dev in apt-get.
In order to install Python 3.8, all the necessary packages and dependencies must be installed. You'll be prepared to move on to the next stage of the installation process if you adhere to these pre-installation steps.
## On Ubuntu, Python 3.8 installation is recommended
You're ready to begin the installation process once you've finished the pre-installation procedures. On your Ubuntu operating system, install Python 3.8 by following these steps.
Python 3.8 should be downloaded.
Open your terminal, type the following command to download Python 3.8:
get 8.5.tgz
Your system will receive the Python 3.8.5 source code as a result.
Find the Directory and Return to It.
After downloading the source code, type in the following command to extract it:
tar -xf Python 3.8.5.tgz
By typing, you can navigate to the extracted directory after extracted:
Python-3.8.5 should be cd
The Configuration Script should be run as follows
Use the configuration script to set up the build options for Python 3.8:
configure –enable-optimizations –
This will configure Python 3.8's build options. The Python binary will be optimized by enabling a variety of compiler flags thanks to the `--enable-optimizations` flag.
### Configure Build Options
The build options for Python 3.8 can be configured by typing after running the configuration script:
j 4 Make -j 4
Python 3.8’s build process will begin as a result. The number of CPU cores required during the building process is specified by the -j
flag. Depending on how many cores your system has, you can change this value.
Run Make and Make Install commands
After the build process is finished, install Python 3.8 on your system by typing:
sudo make altinstall
Along with any other Python versions you have installed, this will install Python 3.8. To prevent overwriting any system-installed versions of Python, keep in mind that we're using the `altinstall` command rather than the `install`.
### Verify Installation Using Command Line
By typing the following command in your terminal after installing Python 3.8, you can verify that everything is operating properly:
python3.8 -version
This will display the Python 3.8 version that is currently running on your system.
I. Python 3.8 Installation: Testing
It is crucial to test whether Python 3.8 is functioning properly after installation on your Ubuntu system by running a straightforward script. How to do it is provided below:
With a Simple Script, Test Python 3.8
- Ctrl + Alt + T to launch the terminal.
- By typing the following command in the terminal, you can create a new file called
,`. for nano.
3. The file should have the following code added:
``Pruning python"
print(Hello, World!)
- By pressing “Ctrl X,” then “Y,” and “Enter” to save the file and exit.
- The following command should be used to execute the script:
,`. for python 3.8
6. Your terminal should display the message "Hello, World!" to confirm that Python 3.8 is operating properly.
To ensure that the installation was successful, test Python 3.8 thoroughly. There might be some issues with the installation or the script if the message is not displayed as expected. To resolve any problems, you can troubleshoot typical installation errors.
## Common Issues and Solutions
V. Fixing Installation Problems
On Ubuntu, installing Python 3.8 might have problems that need to be fixed before the installation can be finished. In this section, we'll talk about typical problems that readers might run into and offer solutions or workarounds to help them solve them.
hooting Advice for Troubleshooting
Issue 1: Missing dependencies
Use the following command to install the required packages if you run into an error related to missing dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install [package-name].
Include the name of the missing package in the list of `package-name>.
The second issue is Issue 2: Incompatible packages
Try removing the conflicting packages using the following command if you run into an error that relates to incompatible packages:
$ sudo apt-get remove Package-name>
Change the name of the conflicting package to "package-name>".
Workflows that are Example Workflows
This section will offer two examples workflows to assist readers in avoiding common problems related to package dependencies or conflicts and giving them examples of how Python 3.8 can be used in practice.
Workflow 1 is the subject of the article. Creating a virtual environment
A virtual environment is a self-contained Python environment that enables you to install packages and dependencies without affecting the global Python installation on your system. Following these instructions will help you set up a virtual environment for Python 3.8:
1. Using the following command, install the Python3-venv package:
Install python3-venv by sudo apt-get install
2. Using the following command, create a new virtual environment:
m venv myenv in python3.8
Change the name of your choice to "myenv."
3. The following command will enable the virtual environment:
Myenv/bin/activate is the source.
In your terminal prompt, you should see "myenv" appear.
4. With the help of `pip`, install packages and dependencies as needed.
5. Use the following command to deactivate the virtual environment after you've finished working there:
Workflow 2: The second section is titled "### Workflow." Using NumPy and Installing
The well-liked Python library NumPy is used for data analysis and scientific computing. Follow these instructions to install and use NumPy with Python 3.8:
1. The following command will install the Python3-pip package:
Install python3-pip by sudo apt-get.
2. The following command will install NumPy:
Install numpy in the pip3.8 installer
3. Utilize the following command to import NumPy in your Python script
``Pruning python"
import np as np
- In your script, use the appropriate NumPy methods and functions.
Additional Resources
Resources and External tutorials
Here are some external resources and tutorials to help readers learn more about Python 3.8 and related subjects:
- The official Python documentation is as follows: This is the official Python 3.8 documentation, giving a thorough introduction to the Python programming language. It has references, examples, and tutorials.
- Real Python’s Python 3.8 tutorial is listed below. This tutorial is intended to introduce the new features in Python 3.8 as well as assist beginners in learning how to use the programming language of Python.
- The Python for Data Science Handbook byJake VanderPlas: This handbook offers a thorough introduction to the Python programming language for data science, covering subjects like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-Learn.
More reading is necessary.
Here are some suggested reading for readers who want to learn more about Python 3.8 and related topics:
- Luciano Ramalho’s “Fluent Python” is available here: For readers who want to learn Python more, this book is a fantastic resource. It covers cutting-edge Python programming principles and methods.
- “Python Crash Course” by Eric Matthes:** For beginning Python programmers, this book is a fantastic introduction. It covers the fundamentals of Python programming language as well as more difficult subjects.
- “Data Science from Scratch” byJoel Grus: This book is a thorough manual for data science, covering subjects like statistics, machine learning, and big data. Throughout the book, Python programming language is employed.
VII. Conclusion: Conclusion
Installing Python 3.8 on Ubuntu is a necessity if you’re a developer looking to streamline your development process. You can test Python 3.8 on Ubuntu using the pre-installation steps, installation process, and testing instructions provided in this step-by-step manual. You should now comprehend the installation process and the advantages of using Python 3.8 on Ubuntu.
You can easily install Python 3.8 by adhering to the instructions in this guide and fixing typical errors. Python 3.8 has a number of new features and improvements that make it a popular option for developers, including a quicker startup time and enhanced performance.
Always use a straightforward script to test Python 3.8 after installation. Fix any typical errors you might run into, such as missing dependencies or incorrect package versions.
In conclusion, we advise you to install Python 3.8 on your Ubuntu operating system and benefit from its new features. Coding is enjoyable!
As someone who has been working with Python for over a decade, I have extensive experience in both developing applications and teaching others how to use this powerful language. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from a top-ranked university, and have completed numerous certifications and training programs focused specifically on Python development. In addition to my professional experience, I have also contributed to several open-source Python projects and have been cited in industry publications for my expertise in the language. A recent study conducted by a reputable technology research firm found that developers who use Python are among the most satisfied with their programming language, and I can personally attest to the many benefits of working with Python 3.8 on Ubuntu.